My Responsibilities as Your Advisor

  1. I will advise you what information is required to complete the work identified under the terms of this agreement and what information is required to maintain the ongoing planning activities.
  2. I will review your financial affairs and provide you with professional advice in the area covered by this agreement.
  3. I will, at all times, exercise reasonable, professional judgment and act in your best interest.
  4. I will provide proactive co-ordination of services for implementing the action plan

Under the terms of this engagement, I will provide advice in the areas checked below:


Analyses will be performed based on certain personal and economic assumptions. These may include assumptions relating to: retirement age, life expectancy, retirement-income requirements, government benefits, time horizons and special needs, as well as economic assumptions including: rates of return, inflation assumptions and income tax rates. The assumptions will be identified in your plan. A regular review and update if necessary, of your plan will allow me to adjust any assumptions and make adjustments to your plan with your consent.

All recommendations presented are made based on your specific circumstances, however results and returns are not guaranteed. You should review the offering documents relating to any product carefully before making an investment decision or decision to purchase.


During the course of the engagement, there may be a need to consult with other professionals, (i.e., tax or other specialists) or to make referrals to other professionals to assist with the implementation of the plan. Consultations with other professionals will not take place without your written agreement.


In accordance with regulatory requirements, I declare the following: As an Advisor, I am duly licensed in the Province(s) of Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta and Novascotia and I currently hold the licenses for LLQP. I am affiliated with Two MGA (Managing General Agency).